dim colorの例文
a dim future
Some fear the community faces a dim future without his leadership. Akram predicted a dim future for the treaty if nuclear threshhold states did not sign. "I'm extremely worried that courtr......

a dim light
The sun's rays pierce through heavy plant covering to create a dim light. I have difficulty in reading restaurant checks in a dim light, Also they need places to hide and keep a dim light.......

a dim room
They walked inside a dim room with a small bare stage. It's not about the beatings and the isolation in a dim room the size of an elevator. In a dim room, when you look over and see that l......

and my sight grew dim
In 1977, " Hotel California " alluded to Route 66 in its opening lines, " On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air, Up ahead in the d......

be dim
But if such proof develops, his chances will be dim. At these distances stars with inhabitable systems would be dim and uncatalogued. The lights in the cabin could be dim and flickered. Ot......

cantonese dim sum
"' Dim Tu Tac "'( Cantonese dim sums while providing other fine culinary dishes. Southern style pastry food is featured by Cantonese Dim sum which is thought of as a kind of delicate refec......

dam dim
September 5 Dam Dim Tea Estate management forced to declare lock-out ( The Hindu Business Line)

The chances of getting help from the Legislature are also dim. But it was not long before the optimism began to dim. The poor performance didn't dim Barkley's wit: The result has been to d......

dim all the lights
"Dim All The Lights " and " Last Dance ." "Dim All the Lights " was Summer's only hit single that she wrote alone. Another notable moment is when Summer tells how she wrote " Dim All the L......

dim and distant
:I believe that a user may have registered that address long ago in the dim and distant past. Now, most Kuiper Belt objects are too small, dim and distant for astronomers to learn much abo......

dim batterson
Reverting to the Bisons name, a man with the name Dim Batterson was named as head coach.

dim blonde
Not many do dim blonde as well or as often. Jean Harlow, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Holliday and Goldie Hawn are just a few of the stars who have built careers around the cliche of the dim blond......

dim bulb
Anything smaller will dim bulbs and damage motor-driven appliances. 404 : Someone who's a dim bulb. Is being a dim bulb an impeachable offense? A conventional cathode-ray-tube monitor is s......

dim complexion
Natural collagen : deeply and effectively purify skin , penetrate into skin , remove aged cutin , restrain mottle formation , instantly whiten skin , eliminate dim complexion Strawberry br......

dim complexioned
Natural collagen : deeply and effectively purify skin , penetrate into skin , remove aged cutin , restrain mottle formation , instantly whiten skin , eliminate dim complexion Strawberry br......

dim control
Standard for safety for solid - state dimming controls Solid - state dimming controls Scale lamp dimmer control Connecting with different peripheral devices , the circuit can also have the......

dim dam
What wasn't an homage to Polly Maggoo was a reference to the first groundbreaking fashion television show in France, " Dim Dam Dum ."

dim days of dolor
A music video was made for the song " Dim Days of Dolor " directed by Owe Lingvall and released on November 11, 2016. On July 5, 2016, it was announced via the bands website that Sirenia a......

dim digital input module
Dim digital input module

dim down
Below about 20 % the CFL goes out completely while the regular bulbs dim down to zero. The bright, white lights in the background flash almost blinding the scene with just the girls presen......

dim gray
Traffic crawled in the dim gray morning as fog enveloped the streets of Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh. We populate the dim gray landscape with memories, which at least are a step c......

dim gray bar press
In addition, for many years he pursued the craft of letterpress printing, and published limited editions of handset and handprinted books under his own imprint, Dim Gray Bar Press.

dim lamp
There, under a dim lamp, they appear small and fragile. The dim lamps and threadbare furniture made it all feel like the inside of a tourist cabin where Bonnie and Clyde might have hidden ......

dim light
Be sure to use type large enough to read in dim light. More often it's shattered, the shards sparkling like diamonds in dim light. There is only enough electricity to power a few dim light......

dim light bulb
There is only enough electricity to power a few dim light bulbs. Relatively cheap, transistors did their amplification without the heat, bulk and heavy power drain of vacuum tubes, whose e......